.. include:: /substitutions.rst .. _install: Installing hackeeg ================== This part of the documentation covers the installation of hackeeg. $ pipenv install hackeeg ------------------------ To install hackeeg, run these commands in your terminal of choice:: $ pipenv install $ pipenv install hackeeg $ pipenv shell If you don't have `pipenv `_ installed, see the `pipenv installation instructions `_ on the `pipenv website `_. Or, if you prefer to just use pip:: $ pip install hackeeg If you don't have pip installed, `this Python installation guide `_ can guide you through the process. Get the Source Code ------------------- hackeeg is `actively developed on GitHub `_. If you want to modify it or help us develop it, you'll need the source code. You can either clone the public repository:: $ git clone git://github.com/starcat-io/hackeeg-client-python Or, download the `tarball `_:: $ curl -OL https://github.com/starcat-io/hackeeg-client-python/tarball/master # optionally, zipball is also available (for Windows users). Once you have a copy of the source, you can embed it in your own Python package, or install it into your site-packages easily:: $ cd hackeeg-client-python $ pip install .